nedelja, 27. marec 2011

Now and Before

I haven't written in this blog much, mainly since I basically forgot about my hyperacusis most of the time. Things have really improved since it first started, so I don't go to the hyperacusis forums much anymore either.

Let me explain: when I first got it, it was really so INTRUSIVE that I had to research it and find out all about it... Then it kinda became, 'Okay, I'll close the door since the bird is chirping'

picture by Penubag found on Wikimedia
Don't get a budgie if you have hyperacusis!! :) /And tell your Dad not to bring one home! Which is what I should have done, I guess!!/

Or, I say to myself I'll do the dishes later when the kitchen is empty...
Sometimes even, I'll have lunch after others have eaten (if they are cranky, especially, and if I haven't really eaten breakfast beforehand. Mum can be vicious with clanking food utensils if she's angry!)

Highways (going more than 100km/h in certain car models with cranky people) can be a bit problematic too, especially if I'm tired and cranky (and hungry) too.. (Yup, some cars are louder and some quiter. Same with people:)

Nutrition Can Be a Factor

My hyperacusis is nutrition-related: it gets worse if I'm hungry (or upset, or depending on the weather or time of month somewhat). Or if I'm lacking some important vitamins/minerals like magnesium or others.

Some people say that their hyperacusis is ONLY due to sound-related trauma (and best cured with TRT - Tinnitus Retraining Therapy, but may then admit it's worse after alcohol or magnesium-reducing foods, or in the morning), in my case I guess it was a combination of many factors, including loud sound.

My nutrition wasn't ideal even beforehand, when I later looked at my entries, I was surprised to see that many of the vitamins/minerals I was deficient in played a role in hyperacusis/tinnitus too.

It's important to be a bit of a detective and track the factors down!

Stay Away from Earplugs - Only Protect Ears When Really Neeeded

I almost never wear earplugs anymore (though I used them a lot when it all started) and very rarely use ear muffs (only when noise is really too loud - for example power tools or house remodelling/renovation in action!) Though it's really best to be elsewhere then, take a walk or something...

When I go for a walk, I usually don't have ear plugs with anymore, just use my fingers to plug my ears. (I used to always carry them with in my pocket or purse, which I still recommend to do if you are going into unknown areas with possible too loud sounds).

I've been to concerts and gigs (though I admit rarely), which were sometimes too-loud too. And may have had some repercussions a day or two later, but things went better again. (Yes I had earplugs with, when I remembered to.)

I've had tinnitus and made it go away with massage and supplements/nutrition. I mostly don't go to places that would help me get it again. And if I get a bit of it after a concert, I know it will go away again soon. So no frettin'.

My ears are still 'sensitive', like in cold or wind (especially the right one). So I choose protection by scarf or shawl (or earplugs, if having nothing else with) if needed...

I still get exposed to some loud noise on a regular basis (church bells locally).
The factory has gotten quieter. (Don't know if for real or just my ears/h. got better.)

Going to church is still a challenge (due to the loud bells and some other factors, especially problematic after a day with ear muffs), ideally I'd like to be able to go without frustration again. So there are still some things to work on.

Ordinary Everyday Things - Coping Strategies

Sometimes when I was eating well and feeling good I wasn't even bothered by the dishwasher, otherwise it has bothered me. So I used the 'load and escape' strategy, like with the washing machine. The fridge buzzing too loud has usually bothered me too. (It's louder now that it's older, though it's a bit on and off.) Washing dishes or cooking when it's quiet is a better option. Or, I turn the radio on and find some good music. Ideally I'd be in a fridge-less kitchen.

I've been able to vacuum without ear muffs at times, otherwise I just put them on. If I was hungry or cranky, other people vacuuming elsewhere in the house bothered me too, or the neighbours kids on motorbikes or such. Or gas-guzzling lawn mowers, New Year's fireworks or such - I just put ear muffs on. (And tried to distract myself with other things.) Ideally, fireworks would be banned anyway, they are not eco-friendly, there's a lot of TRASH, they are expensive, and animals get scared!!

The PC was in the past at times 'too loud' too, now it's mostly okay... (unless I've had ear muffs on, and/or my ears are sensitivie because of previous exposure to powertools etc, then it may be 'too loud' again..)
My sister's laptop is quieter, so I like it better - though I'm suspicious of the scent and any iffy chemicals coming from it when it gets 'hot' a bit... - and it's not like my sis would let me use it on a regular basis either:)

At the beginning, I was really frightened, every setback was a 'horror story' too, now I kinda know the process and possible causes, and I'm much more easy-going about it. When/if it temporarily gets worse, I know it will get better again too, and what to do, approximately.

In many cases, hyperacusis disappears by itself, or some more relevant nutrition/relaxation may be needed...

I know I probably still have some way to go... And haven't really been working much on this hyperacusis thing in the past few years, after finding out the factors and overcoming 'the worst' bits. I was mostly focused on the eco projects.
RELAXATION is a big factor and something to work on... (Not always easy when doing eco projects, lol!) So there are still quite some things to work on.