I've always had 'good hearing'.
Often, when our family was singing together, I was the one most 'in tune'. I've learnt languages and songs easily, including the accent!
But, sometimes one can hear too well.
After some stress and problems, and some other factors (that I later on pieced together), the factory behind our house was suddenly too loud.
New church bells were added, and those were totally too loud too!!
But the funny thing is, no one else was bothered.
The neighbours, the family - all were just fine.
What was happening?
It took a while to figure out (with help of internet forums and online friends) that this was a condition with a name. My doctor, when asked, at first didn't have a clue what I was talking about either.
Things have improved for me, it's still not ideal (I still need to close my ears with my fingers sometimes) but at least I have come to terms with this and learnt a lot about it - and myself!
If you or someone you know have this, please learn as much as possible.
And if you have no idea what I'm talking about, and your hearing is well - please protect your ears! Wear earmuffs or earplugs to loud concerts or avoid too loud settings. Listen to music at comfortable levels. Stay away from iffy meds. Live a healthy lifestyle... you know :)
It's much easier to PREVENT this than deal with it later.